Saturday, March 1, 2025

Blood Pressure Part 2: Accuracy counts

How to measure blood pressure accurately

Take your BP regularly at home and you have a reliable and useful record of a major index of your cardiovascular and dementia risk [1], [2].

  • It is the only way to identify correct levels of medication for high BP.
  • It controls the anxiety and ‘white coat’ effect that increases BP in the surgery or hospital.
  • It allows taking 3 measurements to get a more reliable indicator.

Here are the key messages:

  • Get the right device
  • Be in the right position when you take it
  • Always use the same arm
  • Have the correct cuff size
  • Rest 5 minutes before and measure 3 times at 1-Minute intervals
  • Establish a baseline including your BP lying down
  • Measure on the first day of every month and record.

Blood Pressure Part 1 - Don’t blow your top

Blood Pressure - Know the risk and check at home

What is your blood pressure today – Yes, what is it right now? Well you don’t know, how could you… unless you measured it today or let’s say within the last 7-10 days.

This is really important: you can only know if you are in trouble if you measure your blood pressure [BP] and find it raised. This is why they call BP ‘the silent killer’. In other words, you get life threatening illness that could have been prevented if only you knew your BP was dangerously raised.

In one recent US study of 7328 individuals 54% had BP above the safe zone, half of those were completely unaware of their problem [1].

Actually 8/10 of the hypertensives had ‘uncontrolled’ BP ie a level that is seriously damaging. Looking at those 8 - there were 5 out of 10 uncontrolled because they didn’t check their BP and had no idea they were ill and 3 out of 10 because they were inadequately treated or not taking their meds.

Most were in the 50+ range and that is my focus, but 12.5% were under 44 so have your adult children get their pressure checked regularly, too, say once a year.

Why do you need to know?

High BP causes heart attack, stroke, dementia and kidney failure and therefore contributes to early death. Treating the BP reduces the risks and prevents the disease[2]. More importantly treating the BP intensively improves the outcome.[3] [4]